About us

Who we are:

Umbrella Organization Representing Skilled Artisans in the Informal Sector in Kenya

 The Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations is the umbrella organization representing the Artisans and small manufacturers in the informal economic sector and serving the primary Jua Kali Associations that are spread across all the Counties in Kenya.

The sector has artisans operating on different skills levels and has absorbed the majority of the Start-ups, retrenchees, retirees, school dropouts and the unfortunate dismissals from the private sector companies and organizations. The Jua Kali (Informal) Sector is currently the single largest employer in the Country and a source of livelihood to many

The Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations was officially registered in 1992 to foster the interests of the Jua Kali Sector in The Country

KNFJKA is officially recognized by both the Kenya Government Policy Makers and the key business Member Organizations at the national level as the key platform that brings the informal/MSIs sector artisans together at the National level


KNFJKA is the apex lobby organization representing and advocating on behalf of the Jua Kali sector primary associations in Kenya.

Main Objective: KNFJKA works towards providing a National platform through which the Primary Jua Kali Associations present their issues at the National policy level,

Other objectives of the Federation include but not limited to the following;

  1. To protect, represent and develop the interests of the Jua Kali artisans in registered primary associations,
  2. To act as the primary vehicle for consultation, experience exchange and coordination between donors, Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and Non-Governmental institutions,
  3. To promote in conjunction with other stakeholders an environment conducive to the development of a vibrant Jua Kali sector in Kenya.
  4. To promote capacity building in management skills among the Jua Kali artisans in member associations through training, seminars and any other means,
  5. To sensitize the Government and interested bodies on the needs, opportunities and responsibilities of the Jua Kali sector,
  6. To assist the Government in identifying and reviewing relevant laws that hamper the growth of the Jua Kali sector in Kenya and the East African Community region,
  7. To provide a forum for the continuous consultation and monitoring of implementation of Jua Kali programmes and review relevant policy implementation strategies,
  8. To promote the formation and registration of primary Jua Kali associations along the clustered industrial sub-sectors and as per relevant guiding policies and legislations,
  9. To enhance the participation of women in the Jua Kali sector,
  10. To facilitate transfer of appropriate technologies and protect innovations and inventions by the Jua kali artisans in registered primary Jua Kali associations from piracy and encourage their commercialization where possible and to do such other things as are and shall be incidental to the attainment of the above objectives,

The sector has a collection of small scale enterprises which are divided into, among others, the following sub-sectors:

  1. Woodworkers/carpentry
  2. Wood craftts
  3. Metal works
  4. Soapstone crafts
  5. Leather production
  6. Textile products (with several subsections i.e. screen printing etc)
  7. Clay/Poetry crafts
  8. Beekeeping
  9. Mechanical Engineering
  10. food processing
  11. Electrical/electronic etc